Purple Utilities

Manage your Discord server stress free.



;ascii: Generate a funny ascii text!

;say: Make the bot say something

;avatar: Show your discord avatar!

;coinflip: Head or Tails?

;hack: Hack someone!

;vote: Vote for Purple Utilities

;meme: Show a random meme!

;randomnumber: A random number just appeared!

;rate: The bot will rate something!

;uptime: See the uptime of Purple Utilities


;commands: Commands for Purple Utilitied

;developers: Developers of Purple Utilities

;help: Show the help menu!

;ping: Check the status responding of the bot!

;serverinfo: Read the server's info!

;userinfo: Read the user's info!

;weather: Check the weather in your country!


;ban: Ban someone on the server!

;clear: Clear/Purge a number of messages!

;kick: Kick a Member!

;mute: Mute a rules breaker!

;unban: Unban someone on the server!

;unmute: Let the member to chat again!

;warn: Warn a user!

;warnings: Check the user's warnings!


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